I first started this blog two years ago today. I guess some people would call this a "Blogversary", although I don't know if I like that word. I tend to have the habit of overanalyzing words and language, so don't pay any attention to me. Either way, hurrah! Happy Blogversary.
I started it as all my local stitching friends already had a blog, and I wanted to play, too. Blogging looked like fun as well as being a great way to keep in touch with those friends. Thanks to them for visiting here, and commenting.
It has been wonderful to see so many other bloggers from all over the globe checking out the blog, and returning again.
Thanks to all of you for visiting here. Whether you leave a comment or not, I appreciate that you read this blog.
Since I started this out as primarily a stitching blog, I thought that it would be all right to share some photos of one of my first needlework projects. I know I shared some of these photos here a year and a half ago, so if you already saw them I apologize. I noticed that when our computer crashed in July all my Picasaweb photos were lost, so truly these photos aren't on my blog anymore. So then it's not quite a repeat, right?
With that being said:

I stitched these in 1976 after I'd been embroidering a few years. I didn't have a pattern for this pocket, just had fun with french knots. I still have the shorts tucked away somewhere. Maybe I should wear them sometime? That's a laugh. I was into ballet when I was in high school, and was
very slim. I couldn't even fit my thigh into the waist at this point.
The front of the shorts: (That's my daughter modeling them.)

Finally, the back belt loop:

As you can see they're well worn as I used them a lot. Before they were cut-off shorts, they were jeans I wore all through ninth
and tenth grade.
I haven't had a chance to stitch in over two weeks. I truly miss it, but it's just too busy now with getting my classroom ready, and with family stuff. C'est la vie.
Thanks for stopping by here, and for returning!
Some people just don't 'get' this blog thing at all, do they? I've told a few people about it and they rather look at me like I've gone mad, or should I say
completely mad. Either way, I'm glad
we get it! :)
Labels: embroidery, miscellaneous fluff, needlework