Great Summer Memories & Old Stitch Book
Here is a photo of a day some family members came over:

This weekend we had a ball playing "Rock Band" on my brother's birthday:

My brother and sister in law's dogs enjoying a dip:

Some more photos from yesterday at my parents' house:

This one is so funny as my great niece Hannah looks so much like her mom in an old photo I have somewhere, when she was the same age. It's sure fun having a great niece!

Wanted to share a few photos of an old treasure I have. This is a needlework book I bought back in 1975. I love it as it explains so well how to do so many surface embroidery stitches:

Do you have any old needlework books that you treasure?
Enjoy your day, and thanks for stopping by!
Labels: embroidery, family, miscellaneous fluff, stitching stash
At August 18, 2008 at 6:05 PM ,
stitcherw said...
Summer did seem to fly this year. I'm sorry that you weren't able to take the trip you'd planned, but it does look like you made your own stay at home fun. Good luck with starting work.
At August 19, 2008 at 7:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Great pictures, Sue. Thanks for sharing.
I'm sorry you missed out on your trip, and that you're father has been so ill, but it looks like you still managed to have a lovely summer break!
At August 20, 2008 at 6:54 AM ,
Road Trip With Ruby said...
Hi Sue, thanks so much for your comforting comments left on my blog. I appreciate it. Living in AZ, I will be glad to see an end to summer. And, it hasn't been a very happy one for me either. Upward and onward...better days ahead, I hope! I meant to leave a comment on your post about Kauaii. It is one of my favorite places in the world. Can't wait to go back.
My favorite cross stitch book of all times is The Sampler Co's Book of Alphabets Motifs & Borders by Brenda Keyes.
At August 20, 2008 at 3:32 PM ,
Windy said...
Thanks for posting the cute pics of Hannah, by the way I will keep this secret except for your eyes only...If it is a girl I will probably go with the name Ava (if Ry approves!). I like it for several reasons and didn't think of it again until the other day. Just like Hannah it can be spelled both ways, what is that called again????????????If it is a boy who knows.............
At August 28, 2008 at 10:15 AM ,
Chris said...
Hi Sue,
Love the pictures. I think I have the sam epicture of Win when she was that age and in all the pictures I have seen of Hannah I never really thought she looked exactly like Windy until I saw these. amazing resemblence.
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