Stitching Goals?

Christmas Eve

Last Year's Post-Christmas Mess
Tomorrow night we'll be celebrating the new year--hard to believe it, this one has flown by so quickly.
I have taken my Christmas decorations down, and they're all thrown in one corner waiting to be put away. I don't like to leave them up too long after Christmas. I guess to me I feel like, "It's over, time to move on." Do you take your decorations down right away, or do you wait until after the New Year's holiday?
I have never been one to set stitching goals. I really admire those who do it, but it's just not in my nature.
This year, however, I do vow to finish this piece:

Mirabilia's Summer Queen
There's only a bit of beading left to do, and few patches here and there of stitching. I also noticed that some of the beading needs to be redone. I'm just not happy with how those beads on her head are looking.
I also should finish this piece. I only have a bit left to do:

Oberlin's Minnesota Sampler
I've had these WIPS for far too long ,not to mention several others. I've had an afghan I haven't finished in years and years. It's ridiculous, I think I started it in 1990!!!!

Granny's Attic Afghan by Sue Hillis, with Sam Hawkin's patterns thrown into it
Not to mention Paula Vaughan's Wedding Ring Bouquet, which is pretty well underway:

And the beautiful Fruit Bellpull by Theresa Wentzler, which is barely started:

I'm kind of tired of seeing them unfinished, really, and I don't usually feel that way about any WIP...even if it's very old. Each Christmas I vow to make ornaments for the upcoming year, and I never seem to do it. Hopefully this year will be different, but I won't hold my breath. I'd also like to do a bit of surface embroidery this year, and must figure out a way to factor that into my stitching time. I have a huge pile of iron-on patterns that seems to grow and grow, without any progress in the actual embroidery done! Does that happen to you?
Do you set stitching goals? Do you find you reach them each year? What sort of goals do you set? I used to rotate my projects to try and get more done on them. Maybe I need to go back to that method. Please do share, I would love to know how you do it.
Thanks for stopping by today! Happy New Year to you and yours!
Labels: Mirabilia, Paula Vaughan, stitching, WIPS