
My Great-Niece Hannah on Thanksgiving
I had to put in that photo above for the simple reason that I love the look on Hannah's face. Such joy and pure happiness!
On a similar fun note, I've been tagged by Road Trip with Ruby. I am supposed to list my five addictions. Thanks so much for tagging me! I enjoy your Road Trip blog and your The Scarlett House stitching blog so much. They are both so beautiful and inspirational.
Here are my addictions, and it's hard to limit it to five:
1. coffee--I like it in the morning, and even drink it at times in the evening. It doesn't keep me awake. I can drink a cup in the late evening, and fall asleep right after drinking it. Coffee keeps me alert, content, and quite happy.
2. needlework--I have been stitching for almost 36 years. I wish I had time to do it more often, but that's how it goes. My job is demanding, and I'm just too tired most evenings. Often times I don't pick up a needle for many, many days at a time, but even when I'm not stitching I'm thinking of a project so I still get enjoyment out of this addiction.
3. decorating magazines-- I now subscribe to three of them. They are lying all over my house in strategically placed baskets so I can pick one up to read and enjoy when I have a free minute here or there. I enjoy looking at beautiful rooms, furniture, gardens, and homes. Last night I followed directions in "House Beautiful" as far as rearranging book shelves to look more pleasing. And... they did come out looking better!
4. color- Color has made me happy since I was a kid, whether it be in a flower, fabric, or in the sky. I love to see the contrast of certain colors together, and how certain colors just seem to harmonize and evoke peaceful feelings.
5. music- I love all kinds of music, from choral, opera, and classical to some rap, reggae, and hard rock.
6. cleaning products for the counter- sorry, had to list one more addiction. I like getting the house to smell great with ones like my new one called Lavender Pine, from Williams Sonoma. I also love Rosemary Mint, from Gold Canyon Candles. There are many more of these that I love buying, and using.
It's time for me to tag someone. I will tag these five people: Windy,Margie,Vonna,Susan, and Debi.
If I didn't tag you and you so wish I had, please consider yourself tagged!
Thanks for stopping by today.
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