Glorious Spring

I haven't posted here in a long while. Life has been very busy, and this is the first weekend we haven't had people coming over to visit for the day or stay overnight in about four weeks, or more. I love having people over here, but it is nice to have a little rest, too.
The above photos were taken by our daughter's wedding photographer. They are of her and her groom at their wedding. The wedding was so pretty, and it happened to turn out that the weather was spectacular that day. The previous day was windy, and the day after the wedding was gloomy and rainy. We were so happy to have a beautiful April day for that special occasion in our lives.
This morning I finally joined Bob in a walk with our dog, and then we enjoyed our coffee on the backyard patio. Our flowers were blooming and bright in the sun, the backyard birds were feeding, and as we sat there our cats and our dog enjoyed their morning lounge. Our three hydrangea bushes are blooming now, and for me that's something to truly behold!
I'm still stitching a bit on Summer Queen, and soon I'll be ready to just do the rest of the beading. School ends in about three weeks, so that will be a nice respite from all the hectic times here.
I had a stitching GTG a few weeks ago and was joined by Darla (Sisquoc) and Laura (AKA Larua, Threads BB owner, Laura's Books). We had a great time laughing, sharing our work, and simply enjoying each others' company. I hope we can do it again soon! I should have been a good blogger and taken a photo, but somehow it escaped my mind.
I hope to get some stitching in this weekend. We'll have to wait and see!