Summer, Summer, Let Me Count The Ways I Love You!
Summer is flying by. Where does time go? I wish I could wind the clock back.
A month ago we were in Spain. That was magical.
It was a lifelong dream to go there! I feel so happy that I was able to go.

La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
A bit before that trip in the earliest part of June we were celebrating all kind of family members' birthdays at our daughter's house.
A few weeks ago after we returned from Spain we celebrated my mother's huge milestone birthday here at our little abode.

Chocolate Curl Cake- delish!
And a week ago today it was the fourth of July with all its fireworks, food, and laughter. What joy it was to watch our 19 month old grandson experience fireworks for the first time! He's still talking about them. ("Boom, boom..psssh...")
Last week my closest lifelong friend came here for several days. We've known each other for 40 years. Yes, forty years!
1979 Photo - Where did my neck go? I had one here.
We had a blast driving around, going to Disneyland, talking, shopping, eating out, seeing Midnight in Paris, (loved it!) and sharing memories. There's nothing like having a long shared history with a friend, is there? She and I are quite opposite in many ways, but our friendship endures through time and distance. (A few years ago I dragged her along to a craft- type fair. I do believe ( based on her facial expression and comments) that she would have preferred going for a triple tooth extraction! It's all good.)
Later this week my mom is coming to visit and we'll do more local outings while trying to stay cool in this presently humid but mostly dry, hot, edge-of- the -desert place where we live.
And the clock is ticking, ticking. Soon it will be time to trudge back to work and get ready for August's school year beginning. The children will be so scared and needy, and that's understandable. They're little. I must be prepared mentally and physically, and organization-wise, too. I won't complain though, it's been great to have so much time off! No whining here.
It's been the best summer we've had in years. So very relaxing, so full of fun stuff. I feel very fortunate and blessed.
Yesterday I was going to start a new needlework project. I was thinking of stamping some dish towels, and starting some Christmas gifts. I've never done that before. That is to say, I've never worked ahead like that in any area of my life, nor have I ever thought of Christmas in July. On top of that, I haven't started a new needlework project in several years. That's right, nothing new in years.
Instead, I did nothing yesterday. That's what summer is to me, too, I guess. Doing NOTHING. I succeeded at that, especially yesterday.
What about you? Are you staying busy this summer, or are you taking it easy? Have you started any new projects lately?
Thanks for stopping by today, and thanks for your comments. I appreciate all of them. :)
Labels: family, friends, miscellaneous fluff, summer
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